Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Yesterday was Tuesday, the busiest day of the week for us. CHID class was informative, but there seemed to be something lacking...Participation? Interest from the group as a whole? hmmm...

Knitting Circle is my saving grace this quarter. Thank goodness Jen put it together! Kelly from CHID attends as well (she prefers to be there for the chatting instead of the knitting) and that helps bring the continuity of my day full circle. Between Kelly and Jen, I think there is plenty to talk about! Jeanette and others stragglers from her class attend and it makes for some wildly loud discussions! Fun. Simply fun. Interestingly, I found myself dreaming of knitting last night...

After stitch and bitch (the official name for our Tuesday afternoon soiree), I skipped Math class to hang out with Nate. He was quite tired after staying up for two days straight--no joke!! I helped him with his DBF Project and that seemed to put him into a cheery mood. I also talked that boy into getting some sleep! He's worse than the kids about going to bed! He finished his DBF Project stuff...He just needs to put something on the that excuse for staying up is nearly out the window! However, he did get a good 6.5 hours of sleep last night (I seriously don't know how he pulls it off!).

Nate and I took the girls yesterday afternoon to the Pumpkin Carving Party at our community center. UW Family Housing is very strange. Most people here are married and in grad school. The most important distinction between myself (being a single parent undergraduate) and the others is that most of these picture perfect families cling to organized religion. The majority are Mormon (whom, contrary to my previous engagement with followers of this religion, are quite cliquish), with a few falling in other religious backgrounds. Suffice it to say, the majority of the people don't like me very much (I'm such a harlot!! *chuckles*). Those that do acknowledge me are wonderful people and I love them as neighbors, which makes up for the others . Unless...We have community events. That means most people from our community come and we are a bit ostracized at such events. Alas, we didn't let that put a damper on our creative pumpkin carving! Destiny carved a very cute pumpkin vampire and Savannah did a front-toothless pumpkin face (she just lost one of her front teeth last Thursday). They were adorable! Nate made an interesting abstract design that looks like a ghost in relief (he's so creative) and I stuck to a cat pumpkin (because I am particularly untalented carving teeth!). We lined them up on the balcony last night, so next time you're near U-Village, come and take a look!

Last night was uneventful. Still haven't applied to law schools. Still haven't checked the engine light in my car.

Hopefully today will bring boatloads of productiveness!! Until next time....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, thesis class is a bit off. It's like... I want to talk, but everyone is so quiet...

*shrug* See how it goes, once we start workshopping!

5:50 PM  

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