Saturday, October 29, 2005

Yay for Saturdays! I slept in this morning until 9:56 am. What a treat! Nate, the girls, and I had a movie theater in the living room last night. Nate rented a projector from the STF Equipment to “learn the ins and outs” of the technology, and it turned into movie night on my living room wall! Harry Potter was an excellent choice, might I add! The girls were awed, I was impressed, and Nate was giddy with excitement. Since he’s the lead in the AA Dept.’s DBF Competition, he wanted to learn about the projector so he could give top notch presentations to potential donors to the Competition. Quite smart, that man is!!

Friday was Halloween Kid’s Karnival at the girls’ school. I came at 4pm to beat the rush (it was open from 4pm-8pm), but we ended up leaving right after I came because I forgot they should wear costumes to the Karnival! I gave up my primo parking spot and headed home—Destiny was ready as fast as you could say, “Rose Vampire” (her aptly named costume because Destiny claimed she doesn’t suck blood from people, she sucks the sweet nectar from roses), but Savannah had some difficulty. She said she was embarrassed that everyone would make fun of her in her costume. She has been feeling more and more self-conscious lately. It seems as if her awareness of the world is growing exponentially at this point! We had a talk about why we don’t need to pay attention to what others think about what we wear and that bit of encouragement was all Savannah needed to jump into her Power Rangers costume. Because Destiny had a beautiful crushed red velvet cape, I let Savannah borrow my magician’s cape (shiny black with moons on it) and thus she “morphed” into a magical flying Power Ranger.

We went back to school and noticed an equally nice parking spot was open. We took it and spent the rest of the night until closing at the Karnival. Nate joined us for the last two hours of fun! We went on to win two cakes at the cake walk (one from Savannah’s win, the other from Nate’s win). Needless to say, we made lots of good memories!

In other news, I took a math test yesterday and didn’t feel so hot about it. That feeling sucks, and quite honestly, I am not used to it. I was doing so well on my weekly quizzes, too! Ah, well, what’s a girl supposed to do? It is sure a good thing that this course won’t go on my transcript! I don’t want to bring my GPA down a bit as graduation is right around the corner.

I am off to UW’s Feminist Diaglogues on Social Justice Conference, research in the library, and other fun things!

Don’t forget to turn your clocks back tonight!! (That's mainly a reminder for myself, but if it helps you too...GREAT!)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, no way in hell I'm going to forget about that blessed extra hour of sleep tonight... ;)

(Thanks for the congrats - I'm terribly excited, just because it'll be my first conference. But holy hell, talk about adding another large dollop of stuff to my plate!)

12:28 PM  

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